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Aid For Gaza Update

Young refugee child stands outside of a tent in the mud

I wanted to update you on our aid efforts in the Gaza Strip. This post is a bit longer than most, but it contains important details about what your support is bringing to Gaza.


In early November, Israel agreed to let the Jordanian government airlift shipments of aid into Gaza. We've built a strong relationship with the Jordanian government through our work in Jordan over the last 20+ years. Because of this, after more than a month of preparing and waiting to get in, we received the go-ahead to provide the Jordanian military with some of the aid they would airlift into the Gaza Strip.


HOM has a warehouse in Amman, Jordan, specifically for aid distribution throughout the area. Because of this, we already had some winter clothes, mattresses, and hygiene items ready to go. Our staff in Jordan prepared these items for travel into Gaza and gathered other locally available emergency aid items. 


Due to the continued restrictions on aid entering the Gaza Strip, it’s most effective for us to let the Jordanian military bring these goods. We have continued to supply winter clothing, household goods, hygiene kits, medical supplies, and food items. This aid is now moving into Gaza through all entry points allowed by Israel.


While we have been able to get some aid into Gaza, the delivery of that aid remains difficult. This is a result of the limited supplies being allowed in, communication blackouts, difficulty transporting goods on the ground, and the ongoing Israeli bombing and military campaign. Therefore, we are partnering with a few other groups in Gaza to ensure the aid safely reaches the people who need it most. 


The medical aid goes to the field hospitals set up and run by the Jordanian military and is also being distributed throughout Gaza by the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS). The PRCS is part of the International Red Cross and actively assists in aid work throughout Gaza.


The other items go to the United Nations Relief Works Agency (UNRWA). UNRWA has an extensive reach within Gaza and is currently sheltering 1.4 million internally displaced people. Partnering with these organizations enables us to reach more people and be more effective in distributing aid.


In addition to this regional response, we have been gathering and shipping additional 40-foot containers of aid from the U.S. to Gaza. We will continue to prepare and send as much aid as possible. 


As long as this war continues, we will do all we can to bring aid to the people in Gaza. But we also know this is just the beginning. The greater work is preparing for the long-term assistance needed after the war. We are also preparing for this day and making sure we’re ready and able to continue supporting the Palestinian civilians in Gaza as they face the daunting task of rebuilding their homes, lives, and communities.


I know all our hearts ache, wishing we could end the suffering of so many. While we may be unable to stop the violence, we can be agents of peace. We can provide physical aid and emotional support to the people of Gaza. We can let them know they aren't forgotten, and their tragedy is one we grieve with them. 


Thank you for trusting us and giving to the Emergency Aid efforts in Gaza. We would not be able to continue this work without you.


Whether sharing this blog, a social media post, or giving financially, please continue to support our work in Gaza. It all makes a difference. We are in this together. And together changes everything.


For regular updates on our aid efforts, be sure to follow us on social media by clicking here. 


Thank you for your steadfast support of our work in the Middle East and efforts to bring aid to the people of Gaza—we are truly grateful.

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