Our Founders
Peter and Tanya Omran
Heart of Mercy was founded in 1999. At the time, Peter was in Amman, Jordan, working on a small project bringing education to impoverished children in the area.
While there, Peter met a young girl in the program who, despite her difficult situation, had a joy and vibrancy for life that left a mark on his heart. A few weeks later, the heartbreaking news came that this young girl unexpectedly passed away. Peter learned that this young life was tragically cut short by preventable causes.
That was the moment. Peter knew right then that the rest of his life's work would be a memorial to this girl. As many people as could be saved would be. It was at this point when Peter and Tanya realized this wasn’t an option; it was a calling. An unshakable feeling that they had to do something that would make a real difference.
Two-plus decades down the road, and here we are. Our commitment and passion remain the same: holistic care for as many as we are able to help.
A quality education for these kids, yes. But we can't stop there. Healthcare, safe homes, emergency aid when required, and development investment for the whole family must also be addressed.
Wherever possible, whenever possible, do all you can. This is our approach; this is our calling.

Our Staff
In every country and village where we work, our goal is to be part of community-led solutions. Because of this, our staff is made up of a team that is local to the region where they work. They are members of the communities they serve, understanding the culture and unique challenges better than almost anyone else.
Each staff member is well-qualified and brings a valuable component to our team. We are a multi-generational and multi-ethnic group who share the same mission and vision. As a collective, our staff are invested in bringing hope, education, and fresh opportunities to the impoverished families and communities we serve in the Middle East.